Lighting as a Service (LaaS) – what is it and is it worth it?

Could Lighting as a Service (LaaS) pay for your lighting project?
Many businesses are learning that they can put money in their pocket each and every month AND upgrade their lighting system AND reduce the amount of energy they use. Sound too good to be true? Keep reading to see if Lighting as a Service (LaaS) might be the solution you were looking for to upgrade your lighting system.
What is Lighting as a Service?
Think of LaaS as a monthly subscription service like your cell phone bill or cable bill, where you pay a monthly amount for your service. In this case, what you are paying for is a significant upgrade to your lighting system that is completed by your lighting service provider, but you’re spreading out the payments over a period of a few years. At the same time you’re realizing the cost savings from the reduced electric bills due to the energy efficient lighting you’ve installed. The lighting service provider will take care of the design and installation of the new lighting system as well as the warranty, repairs and maintenance on the system over the life of the contract. In many cases the reduction in monthly energy costs is MORE than the monthly LaaS payments, resulting in the business actually spending less each month after the upgrade than they were spending previously.
Where to find a Lighting Provider for your LaaS project?
It’s important to have a trusted lighting service provider when you’re ready to Implement a LaaS project. The lighting provider can walk you through the benefits and the savings calculations and help recommend a financial institution that is experienced with LaaS projects. Some of the things you should look for in a lighting service provider:
- Good reputation: you want a company that’s known for its quality work, fair pricing, and responsiveness for repair and warranty work.
- Years in business: look for a company that’s been in business for a long time and will be around for many more. Since LaaS requires the lighting service company to maintain and repair your system for several years, you want them to be able to fulfill the contract.
- Experience implementing LaaS contracts: not every lighting company has experience with LaaS projects and fulfilling the obligations of the contract.
When you’re ready to determine if a LaaS project might be right for your business, contact the experienced team at PKK Lighting in Madison, Wisconsin. We have been in business for almost 50 years installing and maintaining lighting systems for our customers. We’ve worked with a number of customers to help them implement a LaaS project and we’d like to help your company evaluate the benefits that you could realize from a lighting as a service project.